(02) 8288 9022 bluecard@teacho.com.au

Digital BlueCard FAQs

Why is my BlueCard expiring?

BlueCard is issued to workers who complete a national training competency specific to transport and logistics. The competency standards are modified regularly to reflect changes in legislation, regulations, and practices.

In 2016, a five-year expiry period was attached to all new BlueCards. This improves safety standards in the industry by ensuring workers in transport and logistics receive health and safety training that is current. For BlueCards that were issued before 2017, a five-year grace period was introduced. That period expires on 31/12/2021. Many licences and WHS cards have expiry dates similar to BlueCard.

Why is BlueCard going digital?

The move to digitise BlueCard is an investment in the future. Having a portable, secure, verifiable badge on your smart phone or other device is keeping pace with technology and verification requirements. Also, you can add your other licences and training qualifications to your ‘digital wallet’. By sharing your digital badge with employers and others, your skills and competencies can be easily verified.

What happens to my BlueCard number? Do I get a new one?

Your BlueCard number helped us create your new digital account. However, the new digital badges use a different method to verify their authenticity. You will not get a new BlueCard number.

Who or what is Credly?

Credly is our digital credentialing partner. TEACHO issues your digital badge through the Credly system. Credly is an international company offering digital services to many well-known businesses. For more info, visit www.credly.com.

What happens if I lose my mobile or change my email address?

We retain your records and can assist you with logging back on.

Where is the expiry date on the Digital badge?

You will see the expiry date with your badge on your Credly Dashboard. When storing the badge on your phone in a digital wallet (like Google Pay or Apple Pay), you can click on your badge link to view all the information about your badge. Others who you share your badge with, will see the expiry date on their device.

Do I have to do another course to keep this badge?

If you need evidence of BlueCard training for your work, you will need to undertake a BlueCard training course prior to the expiry of your current digital badge or plastic card. You can find a training provider on this website.

Will this Digital badge cost me more to keep?

No. This digital BlueCard badge which will expire on 31/12/2021 is free. If you are retraining to obtain a valid BlueCard past this date, the cost remains the same as the old plastic BlueCard.

If I share my badge on Facebook, can someone else copy and use it?

No. Your digital badge is unique and secure. It is awarded to you based on your name and email address. A ‘copied’ badge will not be verified by the Credly system.

How do I get my Digital BlueCard?

The first step is to reply to the email you received from TEACHO to let us know you are interested. You will then be provided with further information from us, and a unique link from Credly to accept your badge.

What if I have other questions?

If you have any further questions, you can contact TEACHO via email on info@teacho.com.au. Please leave your phone number so we can get back in touch.


PO Box A969
Sydney South NSW 1235


(02) 8288 9022

